Support RIBBA: Make an End of Year Tax-Deductible Donation

Creating Opportunity – Building Community

$50 — Provides 1 hour of technical assistance to an entrepreneur.

$75 — Provides a financial consultation to a local small business.

$100 — Provides a legal consultation to a small business.

$200 — Provide a Welcome Package to a workforce development program participant.

$500 — Provides lunch to an Emerging Leaders Development Program cohort.

$1,000 — Provides a scholarship for a high school student.

$2,500 — Provides Minority Business Enterprise Certification Application Assistance & Contract Readiness.

$2,500 – Provides an instructor for the Leadership Equity Accelerated Pathway (LEAP) Mentorship & Training Program.

$8,000 – A seat in the LEAP Mentorship & Training program.

$17,000 – A seat in the Emerging Leaders Development Program.

Your contribution is acknowledged by our 501(c)(3) organization, the Rhode Island Business Development Institute (RIBDI), with tax ID 47-1151685.